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Giant Spider LIVES In My Bathroom!! BACKPACKER WARNING!

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Giant Spider! World's Biggest Spider Giant Huntsman Spider WARNING! Brown legged kidney huntsman spider (latin name 'heteropoda kidneycruncha') are VERY common in Australia and the backpack community doesnt know about them until its TOO LATE! :(

Worlds Largest Spider! The Giant huntsman spider is huge, but not deadly to humans. Biggest in the world, the Giant Huntsman Spider was just recently discovered in 2001 in a Cave in Laos.

Their torso averages about 2 inches long but it's their leg-span which earn them the title as the biggest spider in the world as they can extend to 12 inches long which is about the size of this dinner plate! (show dinner plate)

The Goliath Birdeater is considered the second biggest spider in the world or largest if you classify it by sheer mass.

These giant huntsman spiders are often mistaken for tarantulas because of their size, however you can easily tell them apart because of their unique crab-like legs which allow them to move side to side with incredible speed and agility making them lighting fast.

Although they can produce silk these spiders don't usually build webs as their name comes from their ability to stalk and hunt down their prey.

Have you seen Arachnophobia?

Like something out of a horror movie these giant carnivorous spiders jump on and attack their prey injecting venom into their victims liquifying the soft tissues which make their prey easy to ingest.

They mainly feed on insects and small invertebrates like lizards but sometimes bigger predators become prey as birds, geckos and other animals that try to attack the huntsman spider end up "instead" becoming the SPIDER's next meal

Here is another video about giant spider huntsman and massive snakes.

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