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► 9.17.1 - New German Heavies, E5 and Grille 15 Nerfed + More! - World of Tanks Patch 9.17.1 Update

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World of Tanks Patch 9.17.1 Update Preview. World of Tanks News Series - Update 9.17.1, New German Heavy Tanks Mäuschen, VK 100.01 (P), Pz. Kpfw VII (Panzer VII).
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List of all upcoming changes:

In today's "World of Tanks News" episode I am going to take my first look at our next patch - Patch 9.17.1 update. Once again, this is going to be really big patch with a lot of updates. We are going to receive few new heavy tanks and some old "OP" vehicles are going to be balance. Tanks like T110E5, Grille 15 and British medium tanks.
German tech tree is going to receive quite big rework, because of 3 new heavy tanks - VK100.01P (Tier VIII) and Mäuschen (Tier IX), plus one new tier 10 heavy tank Pz. Kpfw VII (Tier X) or Panzer VII.
Let's take a look!

►T110E5 Played by: Tankiabi
Replay: http://dezgamez.wot-record.com/replay/10083/tankiabi_10k_battle_with_e5

►VK 72.01 (K) Played by: GrossSackTreter
Replay: http://wotreplays.com/site/3167601#stats


►Tanks in action:
- German/Germany VK 72.01 (K), Tier 10 Heavy Tank
- USA/American T110E5, Tier 10 Heavy Tank
► Upload your epic games to my replay site: http://dezgamez.wot-record.com/
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