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Blue Jays Dive Bombing and Mobbing Hawk

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Its not that uncommon to see Blue Jays trying to intimidate hawks – called mobbing - but this 5 minute divebombing sequence is exceptional. This beautiful Red Shouldered Hawk was planning to bask in the sun, relax and preen its feathers high in a pine tree overlooking the Backyard. But the Backyard Blue Jay clan has other ideas. Around here the Bigger red shouldered hawks are death on squirrels and snakes while the smaller more stealthy Coopers Hawks are more often the bird killers. The Blue Jays are the security guards of the backyard always paying attention to what's going on and will mob any raptor hanging about. The other birds and small mammals learn to take their cues from the Jays and head for cover. The big hawk does its best to ignore the jays but they are relentless and the hawk lets out a call of exasperation and leaves for some peace and quiet. You really want to have Jays around your feeders.

Filmed with Canon SX70HS on Amazon at: https://amzn.to/2QftDPd
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