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Boost Your German for 3 Months for FREE...if you can ;) | Language Marathon | Ad | Deutsch Für Euch

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Sign up to the Marathon here:
Use code RUN18 to reduce the entry fee to 50ct/60RUB! :)
Let me know if you have any questions, opinions or experiences to share!
Lingoda's Language Marathon is a huge commitment, so make sure you know what you are getting into - this video should supply you with all the information you need. Give yourself a little "Ruck" and allocate the time for it - it's a great deal either way and you have a chance at getting 3 months of language lessons for free. How are they offering this? Well, they are pretty sure you won't pull it off, of course ;) Prove them wrong while improving your German, schlag zwei Fliegen mit einer Klappe ("hit two flies with one swatter" - kill two birds with one stone)! :D
What you need to do to be my intro:
Record yourself saying the following things:
"Hallo Leute! Ich bin ___ (You can say whatever you want here - name, (youtube) nickname, where you live, where you're from, why you're learning German, or anything else you'd like, one or more things. It's best if you do this part in German, too, but if you're too shy, English is fine as well - just try to keep the video to roughly 10 seconds or shorter) und ihr seht Deutsch Für Euch!"
Please don't edit your videos; if you'd like something changed (e.g. color correction), let me know in your email. I'll make sure to make you look as good as possible anyway, though ;)
I can use a lot of video formats, but your safest bets are the usual candidates: .avi, .mov, .mp4 - DON'T use .dv, please. Once you're happy with your video, send it to me via ONE of these channels:
- attach the video to an email to [email protected]
- send me a DropBox link/invite me to a folder (also [email protected])
- send me a link to a the video on YouTube, also via mail
- please title your message "DFE Intro"
There's NO time limit for this, this will be an on-going thing as long as you send me videos. I'm looking forward to your submissions - feel free to get creative with it! :)
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