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Common Ground Dove Song

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The gentle coo singing of the Common Ground Dove, the smallest of the Doves in the US. This is the first time I've documented this dove on video and audio. This was taken in the wild, Ground Doves have not yet visited the Florida Backyard. Like other doves their cooing is done by expanding their chests and expelling air through their nostrils. Of course the irony is this "Ground Dove" is actually in a tree.
Both males and females make a repeated, high-pitched coo, heard year-round at all hours of the day. Each sequence of coos contains 1–13 rising notes, and a sequence may be repeated 4–5 times per minute for many minutes on end. Ground-doves use variations of this song while courting, while waiting for a mate to return, and when flushing from a nest. A dove the size of a sparrow, the Common Ground-Dove forages in dusty open areas, sometimes overshadowed by the grass clumps it is feeding beneath. Its dusty plumage is easy to overlook until the bird springs into flight with a soft rattling of feathers and a flash of reddish-brown in the wings. These small, attractive doves are common across the southernmost parts of the U.S. from California to Florida.

Filmed with Canon SX70HS on Amazon at: https://amzn.to/2QftDPd
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