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Florida Screech Owl Nest Box Camera Live Stream - Four Owlets

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Live Eastern Screech Owl Nest Camera Live Stream. Mother Screech Owl has successfully hatched all four eggs. Their eyes are closed and they are like little white cotton balls but will be growing very rapidly. She leaves at dusk revealing the owlets and then returns and the Father owl brings lizards and various other treats throughout the night. First Owlet hatched on 3/31, the second on April 1st - the third on April 2nd and the last on April 4th. They will fledge or leave the nest starting around the end of April probably the 26th or 27th.

This link will always take you directly to the live stream until the owlets fledge in late April:
Although this URL stays the same every once in awhile the stream resets and starts over with a fresh chat and numbers count which is unfortunate but you can be assured you are always on the current live stream with the link above. After a session ends it is turned into a YT video for posterity and can be replayed including Chat comments.

You can also get to the live feed from the main MBYB YT page where it will be highlighted when live: https://www.youtube.com/MyBackyardBirding
You can launch the YT miniplayer from the bottom right below the red line which will open up a dedicated window so you can watch the owls while doing other things on your PC.

If you miss something that happened in the nest box or want to catch up this stream has DVR enabled, so you can back up the video as much as four hours. Hover your mouse pointer over the red timeline at the bottom of the screen and move your pointer over it to decide how far to back up. Then click “LIVE” (just below the red line) when you want to return to the real time stream.
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