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Freelee The Banana Girl Exposes How Abusive Durianrider Was To Her

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Freelee The Banana Girl opens out about how mean and controlling Durianrider really was. Uncut raw footage. Freelee The Banana Girl nominated for best youtube actress 2016 and best Daily Mail quotes 2016.
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G'day, I'm Durianrider from Adelaide, South Australia. I first became a personal trainer back in 1999 and have trained with some of the fittest people on the planet. Ive learned a lot along the way and I run the largest vegan forum in the world with Freelee the Banana Girl (), and I bust my ass every single day to help people help themselves while saving the animals and the planet at the same time. I'm a high carb, plant-based vegan cyclist who gives no fucks about saying what needs to be said.
Stand up for what you believe in, or sit the fruit back down!.
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