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GERMAN vs US UNIVERSITIES | Drunk talkshow with famous people (Special edition)

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Slightly boozed up (not getting better throughout the other episodes though) we are discussing the university education experience at German universities aka University of Mannheim versus American Universities. We would like to call this a drunk Talkshow with famous people except this time there are no famous people in the video.

Kevin Jon

My name is Kevin Jon, and I'll help you uncover your lost ambitions - through focus!
#FeedFocus #DropDistraction


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PS: I uncover your lost ambitions on there!

► YOU are a music composer/youtuber/blogger/entrepreneur? I am always searching for business partners as I am running multiple projects. Feel free to get in touch with me to know more. Let's collaborate!

► Contact (business only): kevinjwonline (at) gmail (dot) com

I like:
Focus, Self-Improvement, Startups, LinkedIn, Networking, Good Books, Passive Income, Ecommerce, Couchsurfing, Lean, Routines, Passive Fitness, GTD, Quora, University, Prioritization, Productivity and Efficiency.



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