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House Finch Father Feeds Fledglings

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The male House Finch with his stunning reddish head and upper body is responsible for feeding all the fledglings fresh out in their new world and they are a handful. Filmed with Campark T100 Trail Camera available at: https://shrsl.com/3nywk
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The House Finches have fledged their first brood of the year and it is always quite a fun scene. The male will feed the fledglings for about two weeks.
Broods are usually 4 to 6 fledglings, here there are at least four.
I love the sweet calls of the endearing House Finches. And right away mother House Finch will start preparing for the next brood – perhaps fixing up and using the same nest - they usually have 3 or 4 broods from April through August.

The House Finches avoided the dreaded Brown Headed Cowbird nest parasitism again this year, but sadly the Song Sparrow did not, more on that in another video. The resident House Finches are a delight to have around and typically nest deep inside the the same dense arborvitae bushes next to the deck every year and are very vocal before, during and after raising their broods.

House finches are seed eaters and particularly love fresh moist shelled sunflower hearts. Originally residents of the far western United States the charming house finches were sent east as caged birds for the pet trade starting in the 19th century and many were set loose or escaped and they have since spread all over the country.

After all the breeding is over the local finches will start to form into small flocks called a “charm” of finches and then gradually join into larger flocks as more birds join from other areas and winter approaches, It's not so much that they migrate as move around looking for food and better weather and generally trend to southern areas, but some can usually be found at feeders all winter.

All Fledgling house finches look like adult female finches - mostly brown with heavily streaked breasts – and typically a few stray feathers sticking out of the top of their heads.

The father's job with this first brood is nearly done as the fledglings can now fend for themselves at the feeder, but will still be fed off and on for a few more days.

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