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The Kiss (original Der Kuss) was painted by Gustav Klimt, and is probably his most famous work. He began work on it in 1907 and it is the highpoint of his so-called 'Golden Period'. It depicts a couple, in various shades of gold and symbols, sharing a kiss against a bronze background.

When he painted The Kiss Klimt was 45 and still lived at home with his mother and two unmarried sisters - but behind the respectable facade he was a man with a ferocious sexual appetite. Klimt fathered at least three illegitimate children and probably many more. He was obsessed by women and he had a fixation with redheads. It is no surprise that the woman in The Kiss has red hair. According to writer Frank Whitford: "Together the man and the woman form the shape of an erect penis and I think that is intentional - it's about sex and about the fulfillment of sex between a man and a woman."

Two figures are situated at the edge of a flowered escarpment. The man is wearing neutral colored rectangles and a crown of vines; the woman wears brightly colored tangent circles and flowers in her hair. The couple's embrace is enveloped by triangular vining and a veil of concentric circles.
Similarly juxtaposed couples appear in both Klimt's Beethoven Frieze and Stoclet Frieze.

In The Kiss, Klimt depicted a couple locked in an embrace. The rest of the painting dissolves into shimmering, extravagant flat patterning. This patterning has clear ties to Art Nouveau and to the Arts and Crafts movement and also evokes the conflict between two- and three-dimensionality intrinsic to the work of Degas and other modernists. Paintings such as The Kiss were visual manifestations of fin-de-siecle spirit because they capture a decadence conveyed by opulent and sensuous images.

Il bacioè un dipinto ad olio su tela di cm 180 x 180 realizzato nel 1907-08 dal pittore austriaco Gustav Klimt.

Quest'opera, in pieno accordo con i canoni dello stile Liberty, è dipinta su tela con decorazioni e mosaici (Klimt aveva un debole per i mosaici di Ravenna) in color oro sullo sfondo.

L'uomo,in piedi, si piega per baciare la donna che sta inginocchiata sul prato tra i fiori e sembra accettare il bacio, partecipando emotivamente. Solo la faccia e le braccia dei personaggi sono realistiche, il resto del quadro è formato da tinte piatte e volumi geometrici accostati. La faccia della donnaè racchiusa fra le mani del maschio, il quale ha il braccio della femmina sul collo. Klimt ha vestito, ed è curioso da notare, i suoi personaggi con la lunga tunica che era solito portare. La coppia è contornata da un ovale.Le forme geometriche sono abbastanza allusive,sul vestito dell'uomo vi sono raffigurati dei rettangoli posizionati in verticale,sul vestito della donna sono raffigurati dei cerchi concentrici,tutte e due le forme geometriche ricordano il sesso dei soggetti che indossano quelle tuniche.

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