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This 17 year old could become the next Mesut Özil | #BEATFK Ep.6

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Today there is the 6th episode of the football YouTube format #BEATFK - here you can compete against us as a subscriber and win cool prizes. Apply now via http://instagram.com/beatfk
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In this video:

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01 - Infinite - Habstrakt (Monstercat Release)
???? Support on all platforms: https://monster.cat/infinite
02 - Slippy - Form (Monstercat Release)
???? Support on all platforms: https://monster.cat/form
03- F.O.O.L - Revenger (Monstercat Release)
???? Support on all platforms: https://monster.cat/revenger
04 - FWLR - Bust It Out (Monstercat Release)
???? Support on all platforms: https://monster.cat/bustitout
05 - Tony Romera - I Can't (Monstercat Release)
???? Support on all platforms: https://monster.cat/icant
06 - TheFatRat, Slaydit & Anjulie - Stronger (Monstercat Release)
Listen to Stronger here https://monster.cat/stronger
07 - The One - Habstrakt (Monstercat Release)
???? Support on all platforms: https://monster.cat/theone
08 - Snavs - Us (Monstercat Release)
???? Support on all platforms: https://monster.cat/us
09 - Slippy - Form (Monstercat Release)
???? Support on all platforms: https://monster.cat/form
10 - Lemon Fight - Stronger (feat. Jessica Reynoso) (Champion Remix) | NCS Release
???? Free Download / Stream: http://ncs.io/StrongerChampionRemixID
FREE DaBaby X NLE Choppa Type Beat Charzard I Free Freestyle by PREMISE On The BEAT
- https://youtu.be/-M86m1e7dL4
11 - Haterade - ELEVEN

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