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Best of Calisthenics 2014 - TOP 10 Moves!

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The best of Calisthenics 2014 and Street Workout 2014! Top 10 Moves of the year!
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Top 10 Calisthenics Moves of the year:
10: Front Lever Catch on shoulders - Kevin Malabar - Bar Monkeyz
9: Extended Back Lever into Back Lever - Gerald Gama aka Blade - Bar Tigerzz
8: Bar Handstand into Back Lever - Sergey Smirnov
7: The Afro Tornado - Sebastien Valere - Afro Sayen - Bar Tigerzz
6: 540° Muscle Up - Oscar Perez
5: "The Show Off" - Kevin Davidson - Show Offz
4: Bar Leap into One Arm Front Lever - Nik Ansimov - N1K
3: Human Flag Muscle Up into one arm Back Lever - Eryc Ortiz - Body Art Athletes de Rue
2: CTI Attempt: Dmitry Chernoho - Pumba
1: Backflip into Planche - Rasul Yadarov
Haterade x Skellism - Taliban
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Song 1:
Instrumental Core - The Angels Among Demons
Track Link:

Song 2:
Instrumental Core - Become a Legend
Track Link:

Song 3:
Haterade - Money
Song Link:

Song 4:
Artist Name: Aero Chord
Video Link:
Beatport Download Link:
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