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Instant Color Changing Bathtub: Iodine Clock Reaction

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What’s up science team!

Over the summer we partnered with a company called Learning Resources that makes the Beaker Creatures Liquid Reactor Super Lab. We then made the videos Super Sized Bath Bomb and Will Ice Cream Melt On The Way To Space.

At the end of year they actually asked me if I would want to do live science experiments for their set up at the New York City Toy Fair… I of course said yes.

When trying to think of which experiments to do, they asked if I had anything that would work well to demo their new limited edition color changing creatures.

This then prompted me to do what every science guy does when they don’t know something… jump on the internet and start doing some research.

What I found is one of the oldest, but perhaps the coolest science experiments in the books...the iodine clock experiment!

Follow Nick Uhas
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Production Team:
Writer/Producer: Nick Uhas
DP: Sam Mosco
Best Girl: Opal Roo (the dog)
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