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Landlubber Herons Stalk Hayfield

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A small flock of Little Blue Herons quickly and methodically forages through the field for insects. Little Blue Herons are not endangered or uncommon, but are listed as threatened by the State of Florida. They are the least likely heron or egret I have encountered over the years and rarely seen foraging in flocks as they almost always forage alone.
The little blue heron can be found in freshwater, salt and brackish water environments. These include mangrove forests, bogs, swamps, salt marshes, tidal flats, estuaries, streams, lakes and flooded fields, but rarely hay fields.
In North America, they tend to favor freshwater habitats, while in the Caribbean, they are more often found in saltwater.

Filmed with Canon SX70HS on Amazon at: https://amzn.to/2QftDPd
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