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Sounds of Earth's Oldest Living Dinosaurs

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These Dinosaur sounds always give me chills of excitement as they echo loudly across the Florida prairie at sunrise! And Yes, Dinosaurs are still alive today - that's a scientific fact! And these are considered likely the oldest species of Dinosaurs alive today - you can "Google it" if you don't believe me. Truly Living Dinosaurs ???? ????. I love these calls of Sandhill Cranes echoing in the early morning on the Florida prairie near Lake Okeechobee. This likely bonded pair of Sandhill Cranes are full time residents of Florida. Some hang out around golf courses and suburban areas often stopping traffic as they have little regard for humans, but here in a wild, remote grassland they are skittish as bobcats, coyotes and even an occasional Florida Panther can take them down so I have to film at long distance. No problem picking up the sound though.
Sound recorded with Zoom H2n Stereo/Surround-Sound Portable Recorder on Amazon at: https://amzn.to/48vf7Il
Filmed with Canon SX70HS on Amazon at: https://amzn.to/2QftDPd
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The primary periods of calling are marked below:
Video Contents
00:00 Sandhill Crane pair calling loudly
01:00 Foraging behavior
02:55 Sandhill Crane pair calling loudly continuously until 04:40
04:45 Sandhill Crane pair behavior
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#birds #dinosaur #birdlovers
Florida, Nature, Nature Channel
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