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What are my mathematical birthdays? | NumberHub with Matt Parker | Head Squeeze

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Who wants to celebrate a normal birthday? Why not celebrate a mathematical birthday instead? They're much more fun!

When you are 20 years old you will celebrate your 250th month birthday. You'll be 41 when you turn 500 and when you're 62 you'll pass 750 months and when you're 83 you'll have your 1000 month birthday.

When you're 19 you'll pass 1000 weeks old, when you're 38 you'll pass 2000 week old, when you're 57 you'll pass 3000 weeks and 4000 weeks when you're 76, and 5000 weeks when you're 95 years old!

You turn 10,000 hours when you're 11 years old, you are 20,000 hours old when you hit 22, and 30,000 hours when you are 34, 40,000 hours when you're 45 years old and 50,000 hours when you're 57 years old.

Don't forget to check out when your mathematical birthday is!

Prime Birthdays: http://primebirthday.org/

Special Age Calculator: http://www.timeanddate.com/date/birthday.html

Nerdiversary: http://nerdiversary.com/

For more Pi fun check out Matt's vid for Pi Day! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYetGTiVLro&list=PLMrtJn-MOYmdbPmMYmArKa-LPIQmeicJB&index=26

Do you fancy your chances of living until you are 10,000 years old? You won't get too far without catching a few zzzzz's. Check out James' vid on how long we can go without sleep: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCXwqkHTi3Y&list=PLMrtJn-MOYmfqNgyPxx6NYMZnd25y4shc&index=66

What do you want Matt to look at next? Tell us in our G+ Community! http://goo.gl/b4N7rM


Some useful notes from Matt:
Prime Birthdays

Special Age Calculator


Now for the Numbers.

365.2425 days in a year, on average
1 / 365.2425 = 0.0027378845 = 0.274%

I am currently 11,987 days old, my 1,438th prime birthday.

Between 0 and 100 years there are 36,524 days of which 3,871 are prime: 10.6%
Between 0 and 10 years there are 3652 days of which 510 are prime: 14%
Between 40 and 50 years there are 3652 days of which 383 are prime: 10.5%
Between 90 and 100 years there are 3652 days of which 347 are prime: 9.5%

Of 365 days of being 31, 33 days are prime: 9.04%
Of 365 days of bring 32, 42 days are prime: 11.51%

99 to 100: 8.77%
999 to 1,000: 8.20%
9,999 to 10,000: 6.03%
99,999 to 100,000: 5.75%

What about 1 billion seconds OR 1,000 months OR 50,000 hours?
Month 20 250
41 500
62 750
83 1,000

Week 19 1,000
38 2,000
57 3,000
76 4,000
95 5,000

Days 27 10,000
54 20,000
82 30,000

Hours 11 10,000
22 20,000
34 30,000
45 40,000
57 50,000 3,000! WEEK,
68 60,000
79 70,000
91 80,000

Minutes 19 10 mil MINUTES 1,000! WEEK,
38 20 mil MINUTES 2,000! WEEK,
57 30 mil MINUTES 3,000! WEEK, 50,000! HOURS,
76 40 mil MINUTES 4,000! WEEK,
95 50 mil MINUTES 5,000! WEEK,

Seconds 15 0.5 bn SECONDS
31 1 bn SECONDS
47 1.5 bn SECONDS
63 2 bn SECONDS
79 2.5 bn SECONDS 70,000! HOURS,
95 3 bn SECONDS 5,000! WEEK, 50 mil MINUTES,

PI = 3y 52 days
10xPI = 31y 152 days
PI^3 = 31y 3 days
PI^PI = 36y 169 days
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