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What are Goosebumps? | Greg Foot | Head Squeeze

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What a great question from Harry B. We get Goosebumps when we are either cold or frightened. Each hair follicle is connected to a piloerector muscle. When we get cold or frightened the piloerector muscle shoots the hair out.

When we're cold the hair stands on end and traps a layer of air around your skin to insulate the body and keep you warm.

When we get frightened our adrenaline response fires up the hair and makes us look that little bit bigger. Yes, you heard that right, we look marginally bigger when we're frightened. This is a natural response designed to intimidate predators! It's the fight or flight response.

For more awesome hair related facts have a look at Greg's vid on why men grow facial hair https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewwpkDghTeQ&feature=c4-overview-vl&list=PLMrtJn-MOYmcMLEnLKQjjxJqled29hSLB

Or for more on the evolution of mankind James May ponders whether we humans have stopped evolving https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVy5aO2DHmI&list=PLMrtJn-MOYmfqNgyPxx6NYMZnd25y4shc&index=39

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