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Gabi Demartino's VS Model Keto Diet Debunked By Freelee

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Gabi Demartini posted a low carb VS model diet and claimed to lose 20lbs on it. Freelee responds and debunks the Keto Diet and Low carb diets like the Paleo Diet. Here is her video "I tried the VS Model Diet for a month and this is what happened:
Gabi has Hashimoto's Thyroiditis so going on a low carb diet is bad long term plan. So a quick break down on Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Hashimotos is an auto immune disorder named after a Japanese surgeon who discovered the condition in 1912. So the mainstream belief around hashimotos thyroiditis is that an individuals immune system is attacking their own thyroid gland. Freelee originally believed this explanation but later found it to be counterintuitive with all the body’s evolutionary wisdom and self-preservation, to be attacking itself just didn’t add up. Freelee now believes it is the body trying to heal the thyroid that has been largely compromised through incorrect diet and lifestyle choices and possible genetic factors. A simplex explanation is that pathogens, heavy metals and other toxins can be ‘held up’ within the thyroid gland so the body is constantly trying to eradicate these pathogens and heal the damaged organ.
Hashimoto’s often results in hypothyroidism (which is basically an under active thyroid). Freelee personally had hypothyroidism before she went vegan and at one stage was even taking thyroid accelerating medication. This was diet and lifestyle related but she was also predisposed to this condition because her mum had a serious immune system issue which resulted in eczema which she now keeps under control on a high carb vegan lifestyle. By the way go check out Freelee’s mum and dads channel where they show their high carb vegan lifestyle as 70 year olds. Here is a link to their channel:
So here is the reason keto appears to ‘work’ for Gabi. When she started drastically restricting her carbohydrate intake Cutting out the fruit, bread, potatoes, rice, pasta then her body was forced to use up it’s stored glucose in her liver and muscles (which is called glycogen) to replace the lack of carbohydrates she was eating. I mean like the body is so cool that it literally has a back up of instantly usable sugar to help keep you alive and actually healthy. And for every 1 gram of glucose stored around 3 grams of healthy hydration water are also stored in the body. This healthy hydration is then released when Gabi’s body uses up her glucose reserves. When all Gabi’s glucose is used up then her body also stops storing the associated water weight. So the average persons body stores around 300 grams of glucose so with the addition of that water Gabby lost around 2.2 lbs of weight on the scales straight away overnight. Keep in mind this is glucose and water weight.
During this time due to an obvious lack of calories and in particular carbohydrates, Gabi would have felt weak and super hungry hence why she developed a strong caffeine dependency which is absolutely counterproductive for her Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.
The next stage of the keto diet is Gabi’s body starts burning it’s non-preferred back up fuel source - fat which then leads to an influx of ketones in the blood. And you might be like wow so this is awesome! I can just stop eating carbs and start burning all this fat on my body and I’ll be a skinny minny! NO. It’s definitely not that simple... These ketones also cause a strong diuretic effect on Gabi’s kidneys causing them to release more water weight or hydration.
So at this point Gabby’s body has fallen into a metabolic state of Ketosis. Basically a state of sickness. Might sound dramatic but it’s true. Gabi’s bodily functions that start to slow right down in order for the brain and body to conserve energy (as there is little to no carbohydrate coming in). In a state of Ketosis Gabi starts to lose her appetite because ketones in the blood cause nausea, fatigue and low appetite because she is quite simply, sick. But this lack of appetite will always be overridden by the brains survival instinct. Now Gabi starts reaching for the caffeine and the sweeteners for energy but the brain cannot derive any glucose from these substances so before long she begins ‘binging’ out on the sweet stuff. Freelee wants Gabi to educate herself so she can be a positive role model to her impressionable audience.
Previous video with hashimotos high carb testimonials:

#freeleethebananagirl #rawtill4diet #gabidemartino
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